Jade color Marble Garden carving.
This wonderful great Wall Scene with a wonderful dragon garden art carving is a very nice and highly detailed carving.
With many mountains the great wall wanders thru.
One of our favorites
Notice the bark on the trees and the fine leaves and roots.
This Lushan Mountain Jade has some very good quality stone in it as you can see.
We think it is a hard marble, but they call it jade in China.
it is in hardness between true jade of 6 - 6.5, but much harder than marble which is 2.5 on the Mohs scale.
As this is sold now however, we can commission it made again.
This carving is unsealed in the photo. A Sealer can be added later.Size: 2+ meters
Width: 3.5 meter
Weight: approx 9 metric tons.
Price: CALL!!
We can ship this to you in just a few weeks time. Shipping from China to the west coast USA Seaport: Approx $4000.00 USD.
Real Lushan Mtn. Jade
The picture above is unsealed with only water sprayed on it to show the color and detail.
Shipping is simple via Ocean Freight.
Shipping is simple via Ocean Freight.
This Photo was taken March 2006, It is ready for your garden.
Write or Call For More Info
Email FOR PRICE. + Shipping
Email us for your order information
Or Write; Larry at Artfiberglass
Sweet Home, Oregon 97386
Ph: 1-541-359-4708
* Open Hours * 8am to 6pm Pacific Time - Monday thru Saturday (Closed Sunday and Holidays)
If you want any information on any of these Carvings listed above
send an email below to:
Email Artfiberglass: mail@artfiberglass.com
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